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We extend you a warm and unconditional invitation to worship with us. We come from all walks of life and welcome anyone who walks through our doors. When you visit us, you will be our respected guest. We will not single you out in an embarrassing way; you may worship God in solitude or engage us with conversation or questions.
Whoever your are, wherever you come from, whatever joys or burdens you carry, you are welcome at St. Paul’s.

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*Catered BBQ, baked beans, slaw,
mac & cheese*

Please bring a dessert (or additional side) to share!

Organ Project Update

Help us to reach our goal!

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It has been almost a year since our last update on the Bicentennial organ. This morning we are pleased to present to you a rendering done by Parsons Organ Builders of what the new organ will look like. A large print of this is in The Narthex.

A few things to notice

  1. The organ pipes will be stenciled, the design to be determined by the Parson artist. This is in addition to the cost of the organ and has been made possible by a memorial gift to the organ fund.
  2. You will see a number below the picture. This is the figure of what remains to be raised in order to complete our campaign. The figure, starting at $130,000, will DECREASE over time as more new money comes in. Eventually it will be at 0 and the organ campaign will be over.

To date, we have raised almost 1,120,000. This figure includes unpaid pledges. Many of you have paid off your pledges already. Thank you. Many of you have given more than you pledged. Thank you. Many of you are faithfully whittling away at your pledge payment while a few others have not made any payment since they pledged. We are not worried about the pledges. They will come in. We are 300 strong here at St. Paul’s and we still owe $130,000. Everybody is asked to chip in a little more…Do the math and do what you can.

And now is a nice time to thank the committee, who has spent the last 3 years making this happen: Joyce Bailey; Frances Giles; Alex and Michelle Jackson; Darryl and Wanda Yoder; George Hurt; Mac Frankfort; Cham Light; John Williams. Such a wealth of good ideas, enthusiasm, willingness to work, is not always given to a committee but it has been God’s gift to this committee.

Take a break
from your office or remote workspace,
bring your laptop,
and enjoy a Coffee Shop atmosphere!
(with separate spaces for quiet and for quiet conversation)


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