To boldly go...
Online Giving
For your convenience, St. Paul’s enables its members and friends to make both recurring gifts/pledge payments and one-time gifts safely and securely electronically. To do so, simply click this link and you will be directed to the secure payment site
Planned Giving and St. Paul’s Legacy Society
Responding to God’s Grace
A legacy gift to St. Paul’s is created when you make a gift to the church in your estate plan. A gift of any size is significant. St. Paul’s legacy gifts are placed in the church endowment. Most gifts are for the unrestricted portion of the endowment giving consideration to the greatest need at any given time. Some funds, however, are given for specific ministries of the church, such as outreach, music, or building and grounds. Our endowment protects the church from adverse circumstances and helps to ensure the continuation of key programs and outreach.