To boldly go...

A great television show from past days had as its tag line, “To boldly go where no one has gone before.” Stewardship is much more than just making sure the lights and heat or air are on. Those are certainly important, but stewardship is also laying a foundation for those who come after us by opening doors to the dreams we have and to the dreams that will come to our successors.

Online Giving

For your convenience, St. Paul’s enables its members and friends to make both recurring gifts/pledge payments and one-time gifts safely and securely electronically. To do so, simply click this link and you will be directed to the secure payment site
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Planned Giving and St. Paul’s Legacy Society

Responding to God’s Grace
A legacy gift to St. Paul’s is created when you make a gift to the church in your estate plan. A gift of any size is significant. St. Paul’s legacy gifts are placed in the church endowment. Most gifts are for the unrestricted portion of the endowment giving consideration to the greatest need at any given time. Some funds, however, are given for specific ministries of the church, such as outreach, music, or building and grounds. Our endowment protects the church from adverse circumstances and helps to ensure the continuation of key programs and outreach.


Gifts of Legacy
Each of us has a legacy. Each of us creates a legacy. Our legacies are the gifts we have inherited from generations past—the values we teach children, the care we show for those less fortunate, the nurture we have for our environment, the peace and love we share with neighbors next door and around the world. They are the offerings we leave for the future of this church, this city, and this world.

St. Paul’s Legacy Society and Planned Giving