It is time to begin plans for flowers and greens for Christmas. This is one of the most beautiful traditions of our faith. As we decorate our homes in preparation for the coming of the Christ Child, so also we make beautiful His home – our Parish church.
You have a wonderful opportunity to remember family and friends during this season and offer your gifts which will allow members of the Flower Guild to prepare the church for Christmas. Your gifts also allow flowers to be placed on the altar on those Sundays that have not been reserved for other memorials and/or to purchase supplies that support the work of the Guild. Any excess funds at the end of the year will go to the general operating fund of the church to meet any other needs that are necessary.
To remember your loved ones, please complete the form below. You may list as many names and give any amount that you wish. Please mail your completed form with your contribution to the parish office or place in the offering plate until Sunday, December 15th. All flower memorials must be received in the parish office no later than Wednesday, December 18th. Please make checks payable to St. Paul’s and note “Christmas Flowers” on the memo line. Those remembered will be listed in the Christmas bulletins.
(Please mail this portion with your payment so the office receives it by Dec. 18th)
Please PRINT the Christian names of loved ones, Mary and John Smith not Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. List “IN MEMORY” (deceased) or “IN THANKSGIVING OF” (living).