Singing is a very special human attribute, and singing with others is a wonderful human experience.
Singing has been cherished for thousands of years.
Choral singing is a social activity; it links individuals to the group and builds community.


The Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) encourages, equips and resources singers in many different ways. It gathers them together for training and inspiration. From the 1960s it has promoted dedicated schemes for training singers. Voice for Life, the third of these, is an all-age scheme: it recognizes that singing is an activity for the whole span of life. Voice for Life is challenging and demands commitment. But it is rewarding and through it both individuals and the whole singing group can great develop their talents.
The Voice for Life course is designed to expose students to proper singing techniques as well as music theory concepts. Students participate once a week in an hour-and-a-half session which includes instruction in choral training, rehearsal, music theory, and basic churchmanship. Personal responsibility is a key component to the RSCM program, giving participants skills to carry into their adult life.


The Choir School teaches
  • community
  • musical skills (singing and music theory)
  • leadership and goal setting
  • accomplishment
The Cecilia Choir School offers education and experience in music through singing to children ages 7+ through the Voice for Life program, a graded program offered by The Royal School of Church.


Contact Sumner Jenkins, Organist/Choirmaster, for more information and to register!